torsdag 2 mars 2017

The best feeling in the world

I found a list of things with the topic "the best feeling in the world" and decided to make my own list.
I think it is important to take time to remind myself of all the good things in life and being able to appreciate them if they aren't happening right now.

1. When you find a song so good you want to play it over and over
2. Dancing with someone and you are completely in tune with each other
3. When you have been out all night with high heels and finally get to take them off
4. Finally getting that text message you have been waiting for
5. Being so tired that everything becomes funny
6. Having an ice cold drink when you are really hot
7. When you have made plans that you regret and the other person cancels them
8. Waking up and it is 1 am and you know you have plenty more time to sleep
9. That first spring day where you soak up the sun at every chance you get
10. Spending time with people you can be completely yourself with